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Showing posts from March, 2013

Tanag Children's Outreach

Praising and Worshiping the Lord is not something to be ashamed of. Instead we must be proud to let others see that we know how to praise and thank God for everything that He'd done to our lives. We can show our love for God when we know that praising and worshiping God is not crazy but a pleasing offering for God especially when it comes from a pure heart like these children. Continue dancing with praises and thanksgiving to the Lord because He truly deserves it. (with Zaira Merlas and Jessa Romero)


Worry makes us do things against God's plan. We try to disobey the Lord because we think that He's not doing anything. When we worry, it lessens our TRUST in God and we question His ability to keep what He says. And then we try to solve our problems on our own. We are leaning on our own understanding. We do what we think will be the solution. And the result will always be worse. Do not worry and trust God. Do not feel insecure because even though sometimes we don't see and feel God's actions in our problems, knowing that the Lord is with us is already the highest security we can have. He'll do something, just obey, wait and see.

Keep the Faith

Gen 50: 20 "... God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people which is being done." Psalms 7:1 "Lord my God, I trust you for your protection. Save me and rescue me from those who are chasing me." The Lord allows problems and bad things happen to our lives but it doesn't mean that He leaves us with it. God is a God of Rescue. The Lord saves us, Sometimes we just have to endure, wait and keep our strong faith. Because surely, we will see how and why things happened the way they do. Do not worry and be frustrated in waiting for God's solutions, it may not come right away but it is always in His perfect timing.