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Showing posts from April, 2014


We are worthless in God's holy presence. We are just worms in God's sight. We are nothing compared to Him. So in everything we say and do, we must always be reminded that God whom we are serving is a perfect God and the greatest of all. We must be careful not to boast of our goodness to Him because nobody is good enough for God. But then, the Lord does not look on our imperfections. He sees what's in our hearts and if we are willing to be His children, He will certainly accept and change us to be a better person. God sees our worth as His creation and His love for us makes us worthy to come to Him even though we're actually not.


The Lord do not want us to suffer but because we are sinners we have to experience the consequences of our actions. But even though it's like that, God never lacked when it comes to reminding us and even stopping us from doing sins that will eventually hurt us. So if we suffer, do not blame God. It's not his His fault. he let things happen for His greater purpose and He will never let us down if we remain faithful to Him. All the pain we experience is for us to grow and mature as people of God and to correct our mistakes. We learn through the pain and sufferings. But we have to endure and keep the faith.

Wisdom comes from God

Young people tend to be timid and shy to say what's on their mind because they think that they do not have enough knowledge and credibility to deliver a message. But then adults tend to think that because of their age, they know things better than those younger than them. Realize where wisdom is coming from. It's coming from God alone and the Lord can use both young and old, it doesn't really matter, to deliver His message or do something for Him. So young people do not need to fear and adults must not be too proud. All Wisdom comes from God alone.