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Godly Silence

Psalm 46:10



In Psalms, God instructs us to be silent and to stop or pause to see how He works.
It is important that we learn when to pause, and start listening to God. Because in Silence, God speaks to us.

Why do we have to be silent?

In Silence, we feel God’s presence. We hear God’s voice. We cannot hear the voice of the Spirit if we let the noise of this world and our own mind keep on going. Especially in times of troubles, what we need the most is to be silent, pray and talk to God and we’ll feel better and at peace with Him.

In Silence, we unite with nature, we refresh our soul and we grow. See the trees, the flowers, the stars and the moon, see how they move in silence. They move beautifully. In silence we can also move beautifully and gracefully, carefully guided by the Holy Spirit.

In silence, we see what God can do. We don’t just feel Him, we see how great His works are. God moves in the most unexpected ways and we’ll give Him the spotlight if we forget about our worries, pause for a while and wait upon Him.

In this crazy world, remember that a quiet time with the Lord, praying and meditating His words are even more necessary. Do not be afraid to talk to Him, do not be lazy either because the Lord who gives us the breath of life every single day will never get tired of loving us.

Matthew 6:6

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father,who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 


The room mentioned above is actually our private and inner selves. When we pray, we have to enter into the silence of our being, with utmost concentration so that we can be with God.

Aside from this, God also values silence as a positive attitude towards others.

  • Silence is a powerful form of ministry. It is a powerful language of the heart. In comforting others, our silence is more powerful and more helpful thaN our words. Even in crying, a silent cry breaks the heart even more than crying out loud.
  • Silence is a symbol of one's mastery of crisis. If we have learned to deal with our crises, problems and disappointments with silence it means that we are strong enough to deal with it, we have matured and we have accepted its reality in our lives. We can achieve this when we fully trust the Lord.
  • Silence brings about understanding and reconciliation. In moments that we choose to shout, argue and debate with someone, there is no space for understanding and reconciliation. But the moment we stop talking, a door to reconciliation will be opened for you.

During silence, memory has its best chance and does its noblest work because in silence, we remember God’s goodness in our lives. Pray that we all experience silence and peace in our lives wherever we are! 

(Credits: Joey Umali's Unli Rice Vol. 3)


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