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For Broken Hearts

This is for those people who knew how to love and how to be in pain. This is for those people who were left hanging and those who learned to spread their wings to fly. This is for those people who experienced the birth of love deep within themselves and eventually experienced its death.Yes, no matter how crazy or weird I am, I know exactly how it felt to be left alone in love. Just so you know, this experience had taken a lot of strength and courage from me that I had to ask for donations from my friends.

 If you had experienced it already, congratulations because I know you passed the test with high scores (I just know).  I felt it and I understand that it is not easy. No matter what type of situation you were in, it’s just the same, you’ve been hurt because of the greatest feeling of the world, LOVE. While everyone is so happy about loving someone, while everyone is patiently waiting for their true love with high hopes, there you are, despairing, regretting that you actually tried loving that person. To make it through all this, what you need is still Love. You must know that someone loves you more and they will always be right beside you.

 During these dark times you need love more than anything. Oh don’t find it with trying some Romantic Love again it will not be good for your heart’s health, I tell you. What you need is Love from your family; if you can tell them better, if you can’t, it’s okay, their presence is enough, Love from your friends; you need them, make sure they are the bests who will understand you and stay with you while you’re in pain, and mostly Love from God; tell Him whatever you want, He hears it, more than you know.

If you are experiencing it today, right this very moment, yes I know it hurts. But don’t worry, just like hunger, it will pass. You know, just be strong, let the burning pain out of your broken heart, let the situation swirl. Every decision will be as hard as a metal but keep your mind focus, do the right thing. Moving on, is not simple as you pronounce it, it needs a lot of patience; it needs a lot of time. Healing your wounds takes time, how much more if you have to heal brokenness. You also need Love, love for yourself. Do not hurt yourself more. Seek peace instead. Let your mind be empty but not your heart. Emptiness of the heart is harder than being broken. It leads to bitterness and coldness. You wouldn’t want that, would you? Maybe you already do. But if you do, fight. The most important thing here is learning to forgive, let go and seeing the rainbows after everything. Only that will you know that you have pass this great test of your life.

And you… who have no idea about all these, who is so lucky that you never experience that love is not sugar alone. You have to thank the Heavens for that. But one thing is for sure, you will never know how to cross the bridge when you get there.  If you really want to know more, understand more, you have to be there. You have to experience it yourself. It is not easy I tell you. But knowing that you overcome it in the end is complete victory. It is a war inside you not against other people. It is fighting your very own emotions. Thank God for giving you sweet love, for giving you the feeling that is greatest of all, Love. One day, you’ll have to face it, someday, you must feel that love has two faces. One is sweet and the other is cruel. It is like a test, failure to pass, you will have to repeat it, stay in it or stopping to do it. But passing the test, will lead to the next level and seeing that love is still the greatest feeling of all.
Never stop learning as you never stop Loving. 

-January 2012


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