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PNOY's Speech Reaction (TV Patrol 25th Anniversary)

Like President Noynoy Aquino, I want to congratulate TV Patrol for their 25 years of serving the people of the Philippines.

PNOY’s speech was very honest yet he never forgot being polite. I believe that the message he wanted to tell especially the news commentators was clearly delivered although people may have different feedback about it. Although, some may think that the President ruined the celebration by pointing out the news anchor of TV Patrol who gave his comment/opinion that made a bad image for the government about news they were reporting.

According to the president’s speech, the comment of the news anchor makes the good news appear to be a not-so-good one and is obviously against the government. Because of this, the people who hear may also be influenced about his opinion and eventually believe that the government is really doing nothing good and the country has no progress at all.

The comment of the president sounds right to me but it may also change if I hear the other side of the story. But as of now, I agree about what the president is telling the news people.

He did not say that it is the responsibility of media to report good news. He said report just the facts. If it is bad news, report it. If it is good news, report it also and no need to speak negatively about it especially if it’s only an opinion. And I agree with that. News is different from stating your comments. Media have to remember that because it is their duty to report facts and only facts, nothing more. They must be very careful about every word that they say because it can affect the people either to discourage or to give them hope.

I believe PNOY didn’t go overboard about commenting. Actually, it is admiring that the president boldly speak about what he thinks is right in front of the people who are involved rather than to speak negatively behind their backs.

If I were the news anchor the president is talking about, I would probably defend myself by telling my side of the story or if I really spoke badly about the government etc. I will reflect about myself and accept my mistakes wholeheartedly. It may be hard but if it will ruin my integrity I will definitely choose to improve for the better.


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