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The Day I'll Never Forget

Last August 4, 2012, I celebrated my 18th Birthday, 2 days advance to its actual date. It was really special. It’s not that much because every preparation for that special day was all by our own efforts and just the help of all the very special people in my life. We never paid for services from other people like catering, event organizer, sounds and lights etc. In fact, I really felt that the efforts from these closest people to me are the very same reason why my birthday is extra more special.

We started preparing for these a month before the date. Actually I myself, never really exerted so much effort for the preparations, aside from of course, what color would I like to use, what will I wear and who are the friends I’m going to include to the 18’s. I want to express so much of my gratitude to my ever supportive mother and sister and of course my father, who gave all their efforts in the preparations and helped me decide on things I’ve had a hard time deciding. All their strength, time is really incomparable to any material thing. They were really excited about this, even more excited than me. This wouldn’t be possible without them, I swear. I truly love this family.

I wouldn’t forget all my relatives, my cousins, my aunts and uncles and grandparents. It wouldn’t be complete without them. I always get excited because of them. It’s like having a countdown, always reminding me that it’s getting sooner. And never did they fail to offer all the help they can give to us, whether financially, time or effort. I thank God for giving me a family that was never boring and I believe, will never be. It’s always fun to spend time with them. I also want to include here the family’s only beauticians who also never failed to bring out the best in our faces. I thank them for their time, kindness and generosity all the time. My relatives from my mother side, nobody made it, coming to the celebration but they will always remain in my heart, though we don’t see each other a lot.

And nothing will also compare to the greatest family of Emmanuel’s Christian Life Ministries (Our Church). We’ve been staying here in this family for years and not just once did I see how this family worked together and all I can really say is that it is such a great family. Once you’ve been here you’ll always belong. I thank them so much for their help for all the preparations. I’m really sorry for making them really tired on that day. I can’t mention all the help they gave me but I know God will bring back to them all the blessings they deserve. Especially, my Generation Saved family (the name of our Youth Organization), they really helped a lot! I can’t express how much I thank them for all they have done. I pray for the time when I can also return all their favor to me. I’m always praying for them, really.


 To all my friends and special people in my life who came, their time is already a gift, not to mention their patience while waiting for me because I came so late. And even those who didn’t, I still thank them for being a part of my eighteen years of existence. My escort whom I met just that day, I thank Him for his kindness and for also making my day really special. I know all his efforts for me (my mother always reminds me). I just can’t stop thanking him too. It’s so nice to meet someone new.

That was the day, I can’t really forget. It was really special and I was so happy. I regret the times I thought about not pursuing this celebration because I thought it will waste so much time and effort but it was not a waste at all! I have received many gifts but these special people who made me feel so special are the GREATEST GIFTS I have received. And I thank God because He gave me a lot of them. All the Glory only to God, not just for that special day but in His works in everyday of my life! :D


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