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Are you Beautiful?

“Eternal Beauty”
“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”
-1Peter 3: 3-4

            Being in the middle of my youthful days, I always experience the pressure in making myself beautiful and fashionable just to follow the trend set by famous and beautiful models and actresses. Clothes and hairstyles are being copied from anywhere just because it is the trend today. The next few months or weeks, the trend today will no longer be new and there comes another set you will have to follow if you want to be up to date in what’s happening in the present. This is the cycle of being fashionable nowadays. The mindset of every girl is like, if you are beautiful, you have to draw the attention of the crowd. In order to get their attention, you have to be fashionable like hair with artificial colors, signature clothes, shoes, make up etc. Sadly, because of this, the real definition of beauty is being replaced.

            We are forgetting that we are children of God. If we are children of God, we have to follow the standard of beauty the Lord has given us instead of following what the world is telling us to be beautiful. The Lord does not want us to give more importance to our outward appearance. Fancy Hairstyles, expensive jewelry, beautiful clothes will not make us beautiful in the eyes of God. We have to give importance more to the beauty of our soul, the beauty of our conscience, the beauty of our character. These are precious to God. Let us focus more in making ourselves pleasing to God through kindness to everyone, gentleness in words and in actions, modesty on the way we present ourselves and most especially a Loving Heart that loves God first.

            Follow the standard of our true Father. His standard is not the same as of this world that turns old and fades, for this beauty will last forever.  Be truly beautiful, child of God!


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