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What is Love?

Genuine Love

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstances”
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

When you ask different people from different walks of life with different beliefs if they know what love is and how to love, almost a hundred percent would probably say yes. But do we really know what love is? There have been a lot of definitions depending on a person’s perspective of love. But one thing is common to almost every person here on Earth; they choose who to love and what to love in a person.

In order for us to learn how to love our neighbors, we must first know what love really is. And the best way to understand it is to seek for the one who started the love here on Earth, the author of everything and where Love really came from, God. And this is God’s definition of Love. Love gives forgiveness, patience, kindness, truth, justice and seeing the best in every person. It is loyal at any cost, believing in a person no matter what. Love does not allow jealousy, envy, pride, arrogant spirit, selfishness, rudeness, self-centeredness, irritability and grudges.

Now, ask you yourself, is the love you feel right now genuine? Is it according to the standard of the Lord who first loved you though you are a sinner?

Is your love genuine for a friend you cannot forgive? Is it still Love if you can’t even be patient when you wait? You said you love your friend yet you judge his/her every bit of imperfection instead of seeing the best in him/her? You love your brother and sister yet you are jealous of him/her? You said you cannot choose from your two girlfriends because you love both of them, is that love? Cheating?  You are arrogant and self-centered at home yet you tell everyone that you love your family?

Let’s check ourselves. It is fine to commit mistakes but to continue doing the same mistake is already a sin. We are created by a God of Love. Everything the Lord plans for our lives is only because of one great thing, Love. Right now, you can be saved from eternal damnation because of what? Still, LOVE. We are receiving so much love from the very first breath we made when we were born. We’ve got to give it away. We’ve got to share it. Share it right. Let us learn how to love truly because we, too, are loved genuinely by the Father in heaven who generously gives His forgiveness whenever we ask for it. Spread the Love! 


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